Objects made for navigation inspired by forms and coulours found in pillars/buoys at sea.
For the inuit, as soon as a person moves, he becomes a line. And as you move through the landscape, you create several paths of lines. These trails are a meshwork along which life is lived.
(Tom Ingold, lines,paths and travel)
Stone Mapping is the drawing version of a continuous and durational exercise in exploring a relationship between a walker/explorer and his/hers relationship to the landscape. By becoming a walker/explorer in the landscape, you participate in the very design of it. Your presence, touch and movement leaves a number of traces, often in already ascended paths. The paths, or the lines, one applies to the landscape, leaves behind a myriad of networks, all signs of movement and growth. As soon as you move, you participate in the relationship between nature and culture, and between man and ecology.
Textile installation made at Prosjektrom X in Kristiansand, Norway.
The installation is influenced by emdroided carpets and seeks to reference a part of our cultural history. Embroided carpets was made to tell stories of past events so they could be remembered in the future, as to make sure that these stories would never be forgotten.
Dissolving landscapes cointains stories of a future that most likely will happe, if the landscape we are surrounded bu today will dissolve due to our behavoiur and treatment of it.
The work consists materials of like canvas, thread and stones, all with a direct link to materials we have used in our daily lives for centuries.
A threnody is a wailing ode, song, hymn or poem of mourning composed or performed as a memorial for things or people that have passed.
Threnody is a performance project that sheds light on the body, loss of control, and physical pain. The intention of the performance is to create a situation where it is permissible to feel one's own and others' sorrow, and what it does to us. The performance can be interpreted as a physical manifestation of a mental state. The movements, the costume, the trace it leaves behind, and the sound that fills the room are the sorrow, the longing, the loneliness, the sense of being an outsider, and the powerlessness one feels when what once defined everything one was is torn away. In grief, there is rarely room for anything other than grief itself, something that the surroundings must also deal with.
Technique: Riso print
Print size: 291×413mm
Paper: Lynx 160 gram
Prize: 350NOK
Printed at Pamflett Bergen